The Higgs Boson

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The universe is a fascinating place.  How the tectonic plates move, the orbits of stars, the functionality of living matter; all these are wonderful subjects of study, and warrant attention.  But there is another world of mystery, buried beneath the surface.  One where how we think about reality doesn’t apply the same way.  One where normal rules just don’t make sense anymore, where existence is defined by particle interactions, particle decay, and probabilities.  Bring this world under close inspection and the bright, colorful world we are familiar with turns into a dark world of mostly empty space.  This is where particle physics lives.

Particle physics is not a terribly common field to find being brought up in everyday conversation due to its strangeness, so often it exists quietly in the background, with its physicists plugging away.  Recently, however, it has been more of a referred to topic due to…

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